Seminar on Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace

The Central Government, with a view to provide protection against sexual harassment  of women at workplace has enacted the “Sexual Harassment at Workplace, (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013. Therefore, it is now mandatory for any business or trade with a minimum of 10 employees to form an Internal Complaints Committee – ICC.

The non-compliance by employers may result in penalty, revocation or even non-renewal of licenses to carry out business. It also leaves the business open to litigation and a tarnished  image.

The GCCI IR& HR Committee  is organizing  a seminar on the topic, Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Workplace  on Friday the  6th of February 2015. The program is meant for professionals holding responsible positions across various functions in the corporate, banks, educational institutions, trades, manufacturing industry, commercial organisations, service industry including hotels, spas etc.

The faculty is the noted advocate & Chevening Scholar, Vaishali Bhagwat  heading the law firm ‘V P Shintre & Associates at Pune.

For registrations contact Ms. Melane Rodrigues  at 2424252 or send an email to