CortexA, 8051, Atmel AVR32, STM32 Family, EEPROM
sensors, Accelerometers, ADC, Bluetooth, dc engine, engine driver,wifi (ESP8266)
C, low level computing construct
USB, UART, RS232, RS485, I2C
Sought specialized aptitudes (must have):
Capable in C/C++, low level computing construct
8/16/32 bit microcontroller programming, learning of 8051, Arduino, ATMEL, STM32 family controller
Interfacing to microcontroller:ADC, DAC, Sensors, Bluetooth, IMU sensors,wifietc
Taken a shot at different dc engine interfacing and tuning
Learning of different correspondence conventions like USB, UART, I2C, and SPI
Ready to comprehend specialized datasheets, instructional pamphlets
Ready to create schematic and format outline
with great essential idea of fundamental gadgets ICS-Opamp, comparator
Different apparatuses like ORCAD, ALLEGRO, PADS, and PCB website composition.
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Pleasant to have aptitudes:
Adaptable to deal with various advances
Capacity to work instruments like Oscilloscope/rationale analyzer
Great troubleshooting aptitudes
Comprehension of schematic and format
Involvement with equipment plan and testing advances.